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With New Events and Programs, Port Lavaca Chamber of Commerce Looking to Build on a Strong

The Port Lavaca Chamber of Commerce has enjoyed an outstanding 2015 and accomplished a great deal in a short amount of time thanks to the efforts of our incredible investors and volunteers. Some of the organization's 2015 highlights so far include:

Increased membership and investment -

The Chamber has welcomed 41 new members as we head into the fourth quarter of 2015. That is an increase of over 20% in just the first 10 months. With a strong membership drive in the fourth quarter of 2015, the Chamber is planning to start 2016 with a ton of momentum!

Award winning marketing campaign -

In order to promote the Port Lavaca area to outside investors and citizens, the PLCC underwent a complete rebranding. The result was the increase in membership, investment, and two awards for outstanding marketing at the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives Annual Meeting in June.

This award winning campaign includes a new logo, website, billboards, print and radio advertisements, brochures, regular column in The Port Lavaca Wave and creation of The Beacon monthly newsletter.

Port Lavaca Chamber of Commerce Leadership Academy -

Recognizing the importance of leadership development, the PLCC developed the Port Lavaca Leadership Academy. The Academy is designed to prepare leaders and volunteers for community service.

The nine month program will educate and motivate the participants through the exploration of issues, challenges and opportunities facing the Port Lavaca area now and in the future. The initial class is made up of an outstanding group of area citizens and employees that will become, if not already, the leaders that will help Port Lavaca thrive well into the future.

Wake Up Port Lavaca community breakfasts -

The Chamber introduced new programs or not only the membership but for potential members as well. The quarterly Wake Up Port Lavaca community breakfasts have been very well received amongst our investors. In addition to our excellent presenters, these breakfasts offer attendees a chance to network and provide our sponsors excellent recognition at the event and on the PLCC website, social media channels and The Beacon newsletter. The December event will be a panel discussion about regionalism in economic and community development featuring chamber and economic development leaders from the area including Rockport, Cuero, Victoria and Bay City in addition to Port Lavaca.

Increased Member Participation -

In addition to our Ambassadors, the Chamber has developed a Tourism/Hospitality Committee and a Workforce Development/Business Retention Committee and two additional committees will be formed during 2016. These committees offer the opportunity for more of our members to have a voice in the direction of the Chamber and its efforts.

Visibility -

The Chamber had plaques made for all investors as a thank you and to let their patrons know they support the Chamber and its work to make Port Lavaca a thriving community on the rise. The Chamber's Ambassadors have started a "Surprise Patrol" where two or three Ambassadors will visit members to deliver their plaque and take a picture to be displayed on the Chamber website, social media channels, The Beacon newsletter and in The Port Lavaca Wave. Another chance for our members to be recognized and promoted.

But 2015 isn't over and the Chamber is gearing up for the annual consignment auction on December 5th. The auction is a major fundraiser for the Chamber so we encourage everyone to join us at the Bauer Exhibit Building at the Calhoun County Fairgrounds on December 5th.

Other December the festivities include Christmas at the Bayfront, the Festival of Lights parade, Ladies Night Out and the Good Morning Port Lavaca community breakfast.

On top of that we are in the process of upgrading the Chamber website, focusing on information for our investors and the public as well as providing more value for our sponsors.

The Chamber has received a number of requests from members who would like to join the Ambassadors and we are making a serious effort to recruit more area businesses to join the Chamber by demonstrating the value of investing in the leading advocate for business in the Port Lavaca area.

Before you know it Santa Claus will be loading up the sleigh, and shortly after that we will say farewell to 2015 and welcome in the new year. The Chamber has a work plan for 2016 including two new special events in the springs. These events will include live entertainment, food vendors and merchants so look for those announcements to be coming before we ring n the new year.

In addition to these exciting new special events the Chamber is adding new networking events, information programs for new members, workforce development programs and at least two new committees - allowing more of our investors to have a voice in the process.

Thanks to the contributions of our members and volunteers it is shaping up as an exciting time to be a part of the Port Lavaca Chamber of Commerce!

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